Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Hey, look at that! you painted another skull...

Grand blue skull painting:
I bought a large canvas (3ftx4ft) and I already knew I wanted to paint a skull...the trouble was picking the style. 
At first I liked the double skull from different angles but later decided on a skull sitting back.

Started by painting the background a matte black. 
After drawing out my stencil from a photo on Google, I traced the stencil with pencil. 

 I used bright blue, dark blue, cobalt blue, and pool blue along with white and black acrylic paint to shade.

  I added gold accents around the shaded areas and on his teeth and then I made a masking tape border (photo on left) and painted it in with gold. 
My cat, Keanu, hanging out in the background as usual


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