Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Front Door Wreath

Front Door Wreath Project 
  • Metal wreath frame (Dollar Tree)
  • 1 Roll of burlap (2 if you need to cover the whole frame)(Dollar Tree)
  • 3-6 Bouquets of fake flowers
  • Glue gun/glue sticks

I found lots of flowers at Dollar Tree, here are some but I didn't use all that are pictured.
I made 3 trips to get the color combinations right.
I made 2 wreaths and added purple and blue flowers to the yellows and whites I had.
The burlap did not wrap all the way around but I used this to my advantage by 
placing the flowers in that area so it would be covered up.
(I really didn't want to make another trip to Dollar Tree)
 I bought a bunch of different flowers but I returned some and added blues and purples.
After hot gluing down the burlap, add the flowers with some leaves behind them.

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