Friday, February 3, 2017

Kristina's annual late Christmas gift: Sherlock's Skull

Kristina and I share a love for skulls.
Each Christmas she picks out a skull for me to paint (usually an ugly one in my opinion, : ))
This year its Sherlock's Skull which I'm not aware of the background to this
option, she likes the movie so I'm assuming its in the movie... 
anyways I'm using an old already painted canvas (as usual) and adding my own little touch of her favorite picture she sent me.
The background in the picture was teal so I mixed a couple of blues but gave it a patchy look. 
 Then I made an outline and cut it out.
 This part took a while since I cut it out with an exacto blade.
I outlined in black permanent marker. 
 Almost finished, just needs some touch ups.
I added a blue hint to parts of the skull and added a nose bridge bone since I liked it better. 
Done! Only 2 months late.

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