Sunday, February 12, 2017

Just a little bit random

Random crafts just to pass the time:

 New Years Ornament:
So Kristina and I crossed off something on our bucket list: New Years Eve in Time Square, New York!
And man did we wait 8 hours to barley see the ball.
The lesson here is to expect to wait a lot longer (I'm guessing 12 hours ahead) to get a decent place in the masses to see the ball. 
 Anyways one of the goals for the night was to collect confetti and Kristina had the bright idea to put it in an ornament for the Christmas tree. So I scavenged the dirty New York ground on 7th Avenue and 52nd Street at 12:01 am for the covenanted confetti. 
  • New York New Years Eve confetti (stains and all)
  • Clear plastic or glass ornaments (2-pk plastic balls at Dollar Tree)
  • Permanent marker
  • Glue or puffy paint
  • Glitter

First fill the ball with confetti. On one of the larger pieces of confetti I wrote out my resolution (to be happy) just in case I open this ball one day and go threw it. 
Then I drew out the classic triangle design like the actual New Years Eve Ball with permanent marker. 
With puffy paint I wrote out the year (2017) and the location (NYC) and sprinkled on silver glitter.
Ta da,
 I'll always remember that cold night of waiting and eating frozen free pizza (from a great person also standing in the masses).

Gold flower pots:

  • Gold spray paint ($3.86 at Walmart)
  • Clay pots (2-pk at Dollar Tree)
  • White rocks (Dollar Tree)
  • Cactus ($3 a piece at Walmart)
I think its pretty self explanatory:
Spray paint the pots 2x's, add a couple of rocks to the bottom to help prevent root rot, re-plant the cati, add rocks around the cati but be careful of the spikes and then place them in a well calculated area for all of your guest to enjoy while also meeting the needs of the cati's vitamin D.

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