Monday, May 6, 2019

DIY Herb Drying Pentagram Rack

  • Sticks (find them in your backyard)
  • Cotton twine (Dollar Tree)
  • Something to hang it on: I had a black v-style shelf bracket (don't know the real name) from a previous buy, I believe less than $2. 

The sticks I used were about 20" long. It took my three tries searching in the backyard to find the perfect combo.
I ended up with extra sticks which is what I used for the photo diagram.

Align the sticks in a star position and have them interchange/overlap.

Tie the twine around once, wrap the twine as much as you prefer, and then tie the end and cut the string at the knot.
For the hanging strings, measure out 4-6 strings at equal length (approximately 18 inches) for each point of the star. 
Tie the 4-6 strings together at the end of each star and when finished with all 5 points tie all together towards the middle.
And hang!
Add your herbs!

I used the same Dollar Tree twine to tie the ends of my herbs to dry
On the far left point is dried basil and on the far right point is fresh basil, approximately 2 weeks from fresh to dry (brittle)