Saturday, May 2, 2015

Baby Shower with a Rubber Duckie theme

So my boyfriends cousin (Liz) is having a baby boy, yah!, and a group of us
(Kristina - Liz's sister- Stan -Liz's brother-in-law)
are planning the baby shower.

And we're creating as
much stuff as we possibly can
for decorations.

I created a couple of things on the computer.
I just made this simple sign to post around because this trend is in.
The final product looks a bit different and Kristina added more decorations before printing. 
Seed packets are the perfect favor for a baby shower.
I still don't see the point of favors for adults,
(Favors are for children at birthday parties)
but its a tradition. This baby shower will have a lot of
guest because it is co-ed and we're expecting 40 attendees.
Kristina & I have been looking for less-expensive gifts &
 we thought even shopping at Dollar Tree for each person would
 cost around $40 which is unnecessary if you still have to pay
for EVERYTHING else. So I thought maybe make individual duck
shaped soaps or even duck chocolates but then I ran across this idea
 on Pinterest I thought YES!!!! The saying is cute & you can personalize
 it by the flower & dates & blah blah blah. I researched what flower
belongs to the month that Liz is due: Larkspur. I googled blue Larkspurs
& found that Etsy had the  best price: 500 seeds for $3.78 with shipping
I found them on Etsy.

I think this was a bargain since they're $0.99 on eBay for 30 seeds.
So you can supply your guest with a lot of seeds
& keep some for the mother-to-be & hopefully yourself.

*Remember if you buy 4 packets for $1 (probably not finding the flowers you want)
the packet will probably include 5-10 seeds which only 3 seeds might
work so I suggest supplying a lot*

Also if you are lazy (not the point in DIYing) than there are sites that will do this for you.

 Here are the decorations around the house:
As our guest walk in they are greeted with our homemade sign & piñata
Kristina printed out the letters & decorated a large yellow poster board with mini ducks & 
larger duck cutouts that we found at Dollar Tree in the teaching section.
I made the pinata with cardboard & tape (I probably made it too durable
 since it was hard for the kids to break) and then decorated with yellow streamers.
To get the pinata effect with the streamers I cut 3/4 up the horizontal streamer. 

Here is an example (not my own picture) of how I cut the streamer. Then 
I attached it by gluing the top uncut piece with liquid glue (it works better but messier)
and started at the bottom so each later on top would cover the uncut pieces. 
After all streamers are in place, I ruffled some pieces up to give it some dept.
I added orange construction paper around the beak & black paper for the eyes.
For the feet I cut a long piece of orange paper & folded it like a fan
& then glued the feet on.  
  • Balloon/streamer wall
  • Blue/yellow pom-poms (5 pk garland or 2 pk fan ball)
  • Hanging dots
  • Piñata 
Easy background. Color themed balloons on top of twisted streamers
and a sign on top. This background was next to our activity table
with all the games we were going to play.
$4 with extra supplies
Just another angle
Tissue pom-poms 5 ct pom on 1 string $1 D.T.
Hanging colored themed dots.
 I collected paint samples from Walmart that went with the color scheme.
I went through 3 whole punches (Finally found  the right one from Joan Fabric's).
I punched out 1 1/2 in circles and then hot glued circles back to back with fishing line in between.
The clear fishing line gives the whole thing a nicer effect.
I looped the top so it would hang easier. 
Everyone helped decorating by adding dots anywhere we could
fill space. Also in the background is a blue pom pom from
tissue (Dollar tree- 2 pk) and a balloon attached below. 
When the guests come in the first table has the themed clothes pin
for the Don't Say BABY game. I also laid out the guest sign-in sheet,
 the ABC book (see below), Alexanders baby notes for 21 years (see below),
and "guess when the baby will be here" calendar.
The favors (gardening seeds) already on the table so they
 know to grab them when they leave.
  • Tea sandwiches (cucumber & cream cheese, tomatoes & cream cheese, tuna salad, & buffalo style chicken salad)
  • Babies in a blanket (pigs in a blanket)
  • Veggie platter
  • Fruit in a watermelon baby basket
  • Cheese & quackers (duck shaped cheese slices)
  • Pretzel chicks (chocolate pretzels)
  • Deviled eggs (died blue)
  • Duck Krispies
  • Bow tie pasta
  • BBQ meatballs
  • Floating ducks (blue Jell-O, whip cream, yellow Jell-O ducks)
  • Cupcakes
  • Blue punch (lemonade, blue Hawaiian punch, lemon-lime soda)
  • Water bottle w/ personalized labels (I made the labels on word document w/ rectangles as long as the page [about 6 to a page] I added the nutrition ingredients (image found online) and personalized it w/ the shower information) 
  • Wine/beer
Pretzel chicks

Not exactly duck themed but no one said anything.
Its yellow chocolate melted down and added to pretzels, Small
chocolate chips for the eyes and orange chocolate beaks.
Baby basket- fruit dish 
Duck rice krispies
small chocolate chips for eyes and then they same
melted down chocolate from the pretzels we used
to cover the beaks.
We created water bottle labels that were personalized to the baby and then taped it around the bottle. They sat in the large duck tub (Target $13) which doubled as a baby bath tub (the real purpose of it) and a gift for the parents.

We also made a bow tie napkin holder. Its a small piece of paper wrapped around a cocktail napkin in the middle to where the ends flare out like a bow and then they paper is secured with tape and we also added the silverware under the secured paper so it would be easy to grab.

We also made the tier stands with different size plates
and used heavy duty super glue to attach.

For the cupcakes we actually planned out something totally different but when time is running out, plans change. We printed out tiny ducks and glued them back to back on tooth picks.

  • Don't say BABY (painted the clothes pin blue & glued on yellow cut out ducks)
  • "My water broke" (small babies frozen in ice cubes- I suggest having all the cups ready first with extra ice cubes, after its set up plop in the baby cubes fast and distribute. Our's melted too fast)
  • Feed the baby (one person blind-folded and feeding their partner the whole jar before everyone else)
  • Candy poop in the diaper (Identify the weird looking melted candy in the diaper. We printed out sheets for them to write their answers on and tallied who had the most right)
  • Guess how many goldfish (duck food) is in the jar (that's their prize too)
  • Build a baby (who ever creates the best play dough baby according to the parents)(Dollar Tree has mini play dough jars in an 8 pk!)
  • Baby bottle chug (we filled ours with beer & who ever chugged fastest won)(2 pk at Dollar Tree)
  • Guess when they baby is due (We printed out calendars [July & August when she could possibly be due] and had the guest put a sticker on the date and initials)
  • We also put out filler games just in case like animal baby names and baby unscramble
  • And we found Baby's against Parents (cards against humanity) and Baby Taboo

  • Alexander's ABC book- this is the best idea that I have found on Pinterest for a baby. Create your own ABC book by printing out each letter on a page & of course an awesome cover. Give the guests crayons/colored pencils and have them personalize a letter. Kristina had the book binding materials at work and it all turned out.
  • 21 years of birthday wishes/advice- we printed out note pages for the guest to write on and then put in an envelope with the corresponding birthday year. He'll  get this extra treat every year.
ABC book