Tuesday, September 26, 2017

DIY Up-cycled T-shirt Pillows

Have a couple of old t-shirts that have awesome logos but are never worn?
Lets make some t-shirt pillows.
 First grab a shirt.
 Pin around the design with at least a 1-2 inch seam allowance and cut your shape. 
 Turn the shirt inside out and pin the shirt together. 
 I sewed the material together using my mini sewing machine and left the bottom material unsewn, see below picture. Turn the material right side out (logo design out) and stuff the pillow. 
 Once the pillow is stuffed, fold the edges inwards and pin down. 
Sew the material as close to the edge as possible for a finished look and voila!
I had a voodoo souvenir t-shirt that did not fit well but I loved the skeleton so now I have two mini t-shirt pillows. Follow the same procedures for sewing. 

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