Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Valentine's hanging hearts decoration

 Hanging hearts decorations
I'll be hanging mine around our bed for Valentines day. I wanted to get a head start on it now so I wouldn't run out of time like usual. Ill update the blog with the pictures of them hanging when the day comes.
All you need is colored paper, scissors, string, tape!
Grab your colored paper. I made more red hearts than the white since its more about the red.
About 4-8 sheets of paper per color, depending on what color you want to stand out more, 
Then fold a sheet in four.
Cut the four squares.
 Fold 1 of the 4 cut squares & cut out the heart.
Ta-daa, and repeat until you have enough (maybe 50 hearts- I forgot to count)
Cut out all your colors & have different shapes.
 Tape the red string down & cut your line when they are about 3-4 ft long, depending on your ceiling height & how far down you want them to hang. 
 For now I pinned them on a hanger for hassle free storage until the big day! (I also had to hide them so Keith wouldn't see)
 Finished product!

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